Saturday, August 20, 2011

Praying for rain

Continued from earlier... (if this posts out of order, please read other one first!)

It's 11:37pm and I'm sitting on our makeshift bed. When I left off we finally arrived to Cuatro Vientros. We are in E7 but due to some circumstances our section and the other sections on the inside were filled up with the wrong people. We waited around for a bit and camped out. We finally got some water and we felt better. We made some friends, traded stuff and waited. Eventually they told us to go set up in G and wait. Also, we couldn't get to the food sections where they take our coupons, so a few moms bought some overpriced sandwiches for us. It helped but it was still a small meal for all the energy that we had spent.

This is when it gets good. After all the heat, dehydration and sunburn, we notice storm clouds coming. The lightning was beautiful and magical until it got closer and brighter. We immediately shoved all of our stuff and ourselves to the middle of our tarp and went for cover. It rained for about 20 minutes and we huddled while praying a rosary. We seemed to have adopted a man from Kenya and his young son who had come with out a group. The child was squeezed in next to me so I put my arm around him and he tried to pray with us in his very best English. It was a magnificent yet scary moment.

After the rain cleared we got up and Ashley and I ventured to get information. We walked over towards the huge line of portapotties and got perfect timing to see the Pope lead adoration. We felt so graced and it was a moment I'll never forget. As we kneeled in the dirt on our flip flops, we thought of the long day we'd had, our futures and how spoiled and
fortunate we really are. We met some people and found out that we might not get to get to our section tonight, but we might try here in a bit after Ashley takes a power nap. People are leaving. Some are sleeping. Others are singing, banging drums and dancing. I hear tambourines, drums, chants and chatter.

This has been the toughest day that I can remember. It beats teaching Drum Corps or and camping trip. We tested our teamwork and our patience. We have felt true thirst and true hunger. We have walked until we could go no
more and then went more. We welcomed new people and witnessed the Pope in Adoration. The rain cooled us down and got rid of the dry dusty atmosphere and sent a fresh breeze.

Tomorrow after mass we flip our trip over and stay in a hotel. A bed, a hog shower and privacy. Many things we can take for granted. Hopefully we can get in dresses and enjoy our last night in Spain in style at a nice restaurant and celebrate all of the gifts God has given us.



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