Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Everybody get ready

Three weeks and counting...

Here are ways that I am spending this month getting ready.

1. Working out a lot! I am trying to hit more weight-lifting based classes. Whenever I take a walk around the neighborhood, I wear my Privo shoes, walk in the heat of the day, and carry my daypack with about 10 pounds of weight in it. I'm also trying to eat "right" so I can be ready for this crazy pilgrimage. I found out that for the last 2 days will be at least 7 km from where ever we are staying, so I'll be walking a lot that day with a lot of stuff on my back. I bought a pedometer so I can track my steps and my miles daily. Should be a really neat metric to keep track of. (hah!)

2. Making lists. And lists. And LISTS! Lists of what to pack, what to bring, what to do, what to buy and what to not forget. I'm kind to have parents and friends who are loaning me a few things, plus I have a lot of traveling gear like good walking shoes, a great backpack and daypack, and enough European traveling experience to remember weird things like toliet paper, dryer sheets and baby wipes.

3. Praying. Adoration, Theology of the Body, Mass, rosary and other ways to spiritually prep my self for this amazing trip.This trip has been on my mind for over a year, so it's true to say I've been praying for it for months. I pray for our coordinators, the WYD staff, the attendees and for all of the intentions of the Youth, the Pope and the World!

4. Creating contact cards. I designed these fun campy Texas contact cards for Ashley and I to use when we meet people. They are two sided and have both of our information on them so we use one for every person we meet together. It's a really big deal to have things to trade, like pins, flags, etc that are from our homes. I think this card will provide our contact information and a neat little Texas keepsake. 

5. Checking the Official World Youth Day site every day! They have fun updates, videos and information about the trip that I'll share about in another post. They are going to come out with an Application for iPhone, iTouch, etc for us to use while we're there. How neat!

Wow. Three weeks away. I hope I can get everything done and ready by then. We have our Pilgrim retreat this weekend in San Antonio so I'll finally be able to meet the rest of the group that we're traveling with. Should be a fun time.

Thanks for reading and for your prayers.



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